The fact that the most senior judge of the High Court's Family Division had taken control of the case was proof of its urgency and status. 高等法院家事庭里资历最高的法官已接管这个案子,这就证明了此案的紧迫性和重要性。
Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed has resigned following weeks of public protests over his controversial order to arrest a senior judge. 马尔代夫总统穆罕默德纳希德(MohamedNasheed)今天辞去了总统职位。此前他下令逮捕该国一名高级法官的行为引发了争议,导致持续数周的公众抗议。
Mr. Nasheed was arrested at his home Sunday in the capital, Male, and accused of illegally detaining a senior judge more than three years ago during his presidency. 星期日,纳希德在首都马累的家中被逮捕。他被控三年多前在其总统任期期间曾非法拘留一名资深法官。
A senior judge at the European Court of Justice has intervened in an ongoing row between Google and brand names, such as Louis Vuitton. 欧洲议会法庭的裁判长调解了谷歌和诸如路易威登等厂商因为商标而发生的矛盾。
Senior title of professional judge, member of Shanghai author association, member of Shanghai literacy and art association, the vice secretary of China TV comment association, routine member of China Education TV association. 上海教育系统高级职称评委、中国作家协会会员、上海文联委员、中国电视评论学会副秘书长、中国教育电视协会常务理事。
Gay asylum seekers must be'free to enjoy themselves going to Kylie concerts and drinking exotically coloured cocktails'without fear of persecution, a senior judge declared yesterday. 一位高级法官昨日宣布,那些寻找同性恋者庇护所的人应有自由去参加凯莉的演唱会、品尝奇幻多彩的鸡尾酒并且不必担心他们会遭受迫害。
Reform of the court system will help guarantee fair judgement, enhance efficiency in case handling, and promote the clean-government campaign within the judicial sector, a senior judge said yesterday. 审判制度改革将有助于公正判决,提高办案效率,推进司法部门廉政建设,一位高级法官昨天如是说。
William Nuttall, senior lecturer in technology policy at Judge, says nuclear managers now need a greater range of perspectives. 佳奇管理学院讲授技术政策的高级讲师威廉纳托尔(WilliamNuttall)表示,今天的核能行业经理人需要有更宽广的视角。
Speaking as Toyota revealed first-quarter results and raised its outlook, Takahiko ijichi, senior managing director at Toyota, said the currency outlook was "impossible to judge". 当丰田发布第一季度业绩、并上调其业绩预期时,该公司高级常务董事伊地知隆彦(takahikoijichi)表示,汇率前景“无法判断”。
Regulators, investors and senior management simply cannot judge traders and fund managers on the basis of their performance alone, no matter how good it looks the black swans can always be bred and hidden. 监管者、投资者和高级管理人员不能仅凭业绩来评价交易员和基金经理,不论他们的业绩看上去多么光鲜“黑天鹅”总有可能被造出并隐藏起来。
Therefore it is very important for the senior management in commercial banks to be able to predict and judge the environment and take advantage of opportunities. 因此,商业银行的高管层的预测能力、环境判断能力和把握机遇的能力是非常重要的。
These committees are usualy presided over by a senior judge. 这些委员会时常由一位资深法官领导。
A report by a senior former judge, Lord Woolf, said the London School of Economics had made mistakes that had damaged its reputation. 这份报告由一名前高级法官LordWoolf所作,他说,伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)的所作所为已损害了其声誉。